You can’t have the world handed to you on a silver platter and then expect to be able to have the ability to fight for something you want. It doesn’t work that way. Our world has allowed us a very very comfy life. Convenience is EVERYWHERE and it’s usually that which makes a product the new big popular buy. But think about it, if you never struggle for anything then how can you POSSIBLY be able to know how to fight through it and stay in the game? Remember that first INFERNO workout you did? You came to the gym either thinking that you were going to do just fine or that it might be bad but you’ll be able to hang with it. And then you got partway through the workout and you were like WTF!!!! It’s not because you aren’t a good person, or even that you haven’t been doing some physical activity. It’s simply because you haven’t worked to that level. But once you are used to that, then you can handle ANY ugly workout that comes your way. It doesn’t mean you will the best in the room, but it means that you can look it head-on and go for it! Life is the same way. I see kids all the time ordering their world around them as if they were the king or queen. Sure we want to do for our kids and give them a better life than we had but part of that is to be able to give them the tools fight adversity, to be ok if they don’t get their way, if they don’t get what they want, and if they don’t get it WHEN they want it. When they learn that they will be ok then these things won’t affect them negatively. In our own lives, we deal with the same things. We get into struggles and yes if the prize was handed to us it would be much more comfortable. But if we have to fight for it, then we get so much more out of it and it means so much more to us as well. It’s not just about enjoying the journey, but being ready, willing and able to take the struggles and fight through them. The other side will then be that much sweeter!! 🙂