Every day isn’t going to be a PR day. Ever had where you are in the gym and when you pick the bar up off the rack it feels like 80 pounds instead of 45 pounds. Everything feels extra heavy, and you feel extra slow. You might just not want to be there. But it’s a training day and you HAVE to be there doing your thing otherwise you will lose everything you have worked so hard for! Or maybe you have been spot on with your nutrition plan. You haven’t missed a beat at all but today you just don’t feel like counting your macros or weighing your food, or meal prepping your stuff, or you just want a damn cookie! We won’t lose everything we have work for because of a bad day!!! We have tons of dedication and commitment to stay true to our plans but there will always be waves of ups and downs. A normal biorhythm to what you are doing mostly because your own body will have its own natural biorhythm. This means that you will have days where you just seem to be on fire and then other days where everything feels like a struggle. And this is ok. You can’t let this undulation rattle you. The best way to deal with these is that when you are “hot”, attack it with everything you have because you will be able to do some amazing things on those days. But when you are “cold”, give yourself a break. This doesn’t mean toss it all and curl up on the couch. It means lower the intensity. Make the workout more about movement rather than crushing reps and pounding barbells. Or maybe, make it just about showing up to the gym that day. Make the diet a touch more enjoyable that day. Have one of those cookies, or go out to eat and pick something good. If you slide a touch, don’t beat yourself up. Know that you will get back on it tomorrow and be right back in the groove. You will succeed most when you are happy and having fun with what you are doing. To have longevity in these things you are doing, you have to enjoy it. And to enjoy it is to give yourself a little break if it’s not a UP day. And know its ok! Enjoy it!! But make sure to get back on it the next day:)